Five Creative Spring Activities To Do With Younger Children

It’s a lovely time to get out and about when there’s a little more sun, a longer day, and a fresh spring feel in the air. Here are some lovely activities to do with young children that cost you next to nothing and encourage them to get off the X-box and start thinking creatively.

1) Go Rambling

Rambling is the name I use in my house for going out walking through rough, country side and getting pretty dirty, muddy and on the odd occasion rather bedraggled and wet.

‘How is that fun?’ I hear you ask: Well actually, we often spend quite a lot of our time preventing our children for getting dirty, muddy etc Rambling can be seen as a time when you completely allow them to enjoy themselves without you controlling their movements and dirt levels. If they temporarily lose their shoe in a muddy puddle and their sock gets soaked-bite your tongue and say ‘Oh well, we’ll change when we get home’.

Maybe you played out side as a child? Perhaps you derived a great deal of pleasure from digging outside, heading off over fields, exploring empty urban landscapes with your mates, playing 40 40 in the woods near your house. These are pleasures our children rarely have the chance to enjoy now, what with the dangers of fast moving traffic and untrustworthy strangers.

What we do when we go rambling. Well, we explore far and wide-they lead and I follow. Sometimes we take a picnic, or hot chocolate and biscuits, we collect natural objects, examine things, photograph things the children find interesting. They climb trees, collect mossy bark, build branch shelters, dig holes, find badger sets and bunny warrens, bird spot with binoculars, make twig and rubber band sling shots, and branch & string bows and arrows, play pooh sticks in streams, collect pond water and keep tadpoles and make up spy game adventures.

What I do when we go rambling. I go along with their weird and wonderful ideas (mostly). I sometimes get bored and Facebook, but mostly I try to stay engaged and use this as a moment to actually engage with the boys on their terms instead of on mine.

They absolutely love it!

2) Make Nettle Soup

Maybe you have nettles in your garden, or a little green down the road or maybe you’re lucky enough to have fields or woods near you. Either way, nettle soup is always a good immune boosting super food to make for your family.

Firstly go out and pick those nettle tops. Go for young new shoots at the top of the plant, these are the most tender and make the best soup. Equip you and your children with rubber gloves, a pair of scissors and a plastic bag. I’m usually in charge of cutting the nettles and the boys find it quite exciting to collect the nettles as I cut them and put them into the bag. They also love scouting on ahead to find really juicy nettle patches to harvest.

A bag of nettles

NB Make sure you collect nettles that are not near cars or a road as they will be full of pollutants. Cut the tender tops, not too far down the tough stem. Check that the area isn’t full of dog’s droppings (obviously). You can find nettles in shaded areas under trees and bushes. Wash them thoroughly and sort out any foreign leaves/bugs.

Washing nettles for soup

Cream of Nettle soup recipe:

I boiled a whole chicken to make a stock then roasted it. I used the stock, 4 cloves, a chopped onion, 2 bay leaves and one big potato in the soup. I boiled these first until the potato was nearly cooked then added the washed nettles for two minutes. Add crushed garlic and blend until smooth. I added low fat creme fraiche to make it creamy but single cream is lovely too. This soup is very similar to spinach soup but a little greener perhaps. It’s full of iron so make sure you consume with orange juice or something high in vitamin C to ensure the iron gets absorbed by everyone’s bodies. Serve with roasted chicken and potatoes and a big salad. Delicious!

Nettle Soup

3) Make a Mini Terrarium

Spring is a nice time to watch things grow so this is a project you could make as big or small as you want. Get your kids to collect interesting pieces of mossy bark, stones, empty snail shells, etc. Collect two empty bottles-I used some clean, old jam jars with the labels cleaned off. You could also use an old unused fish tank, a glass flower vase or something plastic if your kids aren’t good with glass like a clear 2 ltr coke bottle.

Have them put some soil into the bottom of the jar. We found two types of different coloured soil in our garden and they liked to see the strata of the soil in their jar. They then arranged their mossy bark, snail shell and other collected items on the soil in their jar and then planted a plant/seed in the soil as well. I had an old aloes plant that just keeps having babies so I used two of the babies for the boy’s terrariums. You could buy a packet of seeds for as little as 75 pence and use one of them instead.

IMG_1057 IMG_1058 IMG_1060

For more ideas and bigger projects see these links here and here. For a low maintenance version, use cacti instead and abandon to a forsaken windowsill!

4) Go and Visit a Farm

This can be a cheap option if you research around a bit.  Some farms have spring open days where you can come and visit, pet/feed some baby animals, and buy some produce too or have a tea and cake. Here’s the link to Willowbrook Farm that does just this in Oxfordshire, UK. Other farms ask you to pay a little money but when you consider the day’s fun is cut out with petting and feeding baby animals, playing, exploring and sometimes mucking in with farm activities it’s well worth the pennies. Some farms may also have fruit/veg picking as well which is an added bonus. You can eat as much as you like whilst picking and then buy a punnet/bag of the produce to be polite. My boys love to dig up carrots with a big farmer’s fork. And obviously late spring/early summer’s first strawberries are a delight.

Rectory farm-has a great cafe, bouncy castles on w.e., Free entry, PYO (picking), farm shop. Farmer Gows– baby animals, hay bale treasure hunts, kids activities. Millets Farm Centre-PYO, garden centre, great ice cream, cafe, farm animals, Free entry play ground, sand pit, fields.

Although visiting a farm is not strictly creative in the obvious sense, I believe that providing the experiential information for your child is invaluable for fueling future creative activities. Seeing a baby rabbit, feeling it, holding it and looking into it’s shiny, big, black eyes will give your child that first hand information about a bunny which cannot be obtained through a book. Further creative activities that can stem from a farm visit include writing a story from one of the animal’s point of view, modeling a farm animal from clay, creating a collage using a selection of junk mail cuttings. Why not build a model farm out of different sized junk boxes, lollipop sticks for the fence, clay model animals, cotton wool and toilet paper trees-painted green, glue some sand or tiny stones for the paths and straw for the thatched roof etc. Paint/draw animals in the style of this by Picasso, or Joan Miro’s rooster below.

Rooster by Miro

5) Spring Painting

Just like Ratty in the Wind in the Willows, spring is a great time for a change to our surroundings and one fun way to do this is to paint. There are some cheap and easy ways to change children’s rooms and I will include some here.

Buy a paper lantern (my local Wilkinsons UK do small ones for less than £2) and use a black marker to draw patterns on it. You can all work on it at the same time or take turns doing different jobs. Colour the patterns in in using either acrylic paints or easier still sharpies or felt tip pens. You can create very colourful patterns that look great when you put the light up. There are other things you could do like cut petals out of tissue paper and stick these in a pattern over your paper lantern. You could look at Japanese blossom prints and do your own Japanese inspired lamp shade.

DIY paper lantern decoration

DIY paper lantern decoration

Another way to change the look of a room is to paint furniture. Even painting draw knobs can add a fun and personal touch to a boring set of draws. We did this to all the draw and door knobs in our kitchen. I drew the pattern and the boys painted it, they were quite good and just occasionally I would have to go over the black lines where they had smudged. We used acrylic paints on wooden knobs and then varnished them with several layers of craft varnish.

decorate door knob

If you really wanted to go all out you could paint the walls of their room and let them help, what about a jungle scene? Or maybe buy/make some plain curtains and then fabric paint/spray them? Or tie die them? What about getting two cheap canvasses from a charity shop and have your children do a painting (Mondrian style) that will then go up on their wall as decoration? Sew decorations onto a pillow case to personalize their bed space. Make hangings to stick from the ceiling. Card board birds with paper wings that can hang from string.Try black paper shapes/birds/flowers with small shapes cut out, stick tissue paper over the small shapes on one side to give a stained glass effect. Display these stained glass pieces on the window to catch the spring sunshine.

I hope that these activities inspire and help a few parents to get involved with their children’s creative side. I know it can be hard to find the time to spend with them but remember, very soon they’ll be all grown up!

Indoor activities for boys to learn and play

As the snow settles on the world outside and my two boys have returned from their snowball fight completely soaked for the third time today I find myself saying: ‘Right, no more playing outside! I’m fed up of this wet floor and there’s no more room on the radiators.’

So here are some of the things I occupied them with which may provide some great ideas for anyone else in my situation. The boys made some wonderful ships out of cereal boxes, toothpicks and split pins. I pretty much left them to this as I was cooking at the time, but I suppose you could look at things that are waterproof, things that float and sink, and recyclable containers that would make suitable boats. Then you could make them and test them out in the sink. I often find my boys filling up the sink with water and trying out boats they have made (I even found one in the toilet…What to do?). Another idea is to make origami boats and paint them with nail varnish (to make them waterproof) and float them or have races. You could make little sails and blow into them to race them.

Boats from junk kids boats


Wooden blocks are a great idea. I picked up some that were all the same size in a charity shop for a few pounds but you could always go to Homebase and ask for some scraps (sometimes they ask you for a donation-once they gave it to me for free). There are two options for wood, you could build cities that can be broken down and put away at the end but you can also get a light weight hammer and some small nails and get them to make whatever they want. They can then paint their creations and hang it from their ceiling or display in their room, although if they’re anything like my boys the word ‘ornament’ has no meaning!
kids building


The last and most exciting activity is linked to a World War II topic I have been doing with the boys. We’ve read, looked at and researched about the Blitz, we’ve read a Michael Morpurgo novel called Friend or Foe and have visited the Imperial War Museum in London.

The boys have some basic maths skills, so to increase their fluency with numbers and to test their mathematical concentration I set them the task of deciphering a riddle I wrote to each of them in code, which once solved would help them to find a hidden WWII prize.

WWII toy aeroplane


I picked up a pack of these at the Imperial War Museum but there are lots of exciting model airplanes on the internet that you can order, some of which you can build and paint yourself. Find some here.

So I established the code with them, we stuck to a simple one to begin with so the letter a+,1 b+2, c+3, d+4, and so on until we got to z+26.  We also established that we would put a comma between numbers and a / between words and a // at the end of sentences. I then took ten minutes to write to each of them a different riddle that gave them a clue to where I had hidden their toy plane. I also wrote their names in code so that they were forced to work out which message was for which boy. They used the written code to decipher their messages and then attempted to solve the riddles. kids code breaking

WWII code breaking-kids

WWII code breaking-kids

As you can see, they are thoroughly engaged and focussed whilst having a great deal of fun. Once they had deciphered their message and figured out their riddle they then proceeded to the right room in the house and look for their prize. I made sure to tell them that the enemy spies were also tracking these same prizes and that no mess must be left on their searches as it would leave a trail behind them that the enemy could follow and maybe find the prize before them. (A great way to make sure they tidy up after themselves!!!!) Once they had found their planes we then researched on the internet what their WWII planes were called, which country they came from and what type of ammunition/bombs the airplane carried and dropped. We then looked at and discussed Morse code, Bletchley park, the Enigma, and code making/breaking machines used in the second World War.

NB The links I have added are just some random links that I have come across in a quick search. I dod not show the boys all of a clip but just as much as was necessary to make my point. If any one finds any better links then please feel free to contact me and I will add it to here.